The Center for Imaginative Action. Take the next step.

Imaginative action is focused in the present and works with the untapped imaginative forces within all of us. At The Center for Imaginative Action we guide clients toward a fresh future of their own choosing.

The needs of our clients vary from people who are looking to invent or reinvent themselves, to those that desire a more meaningful life, to clients who choose toƄ retreat to Florence, Italy, a center of genius and the imagination, and away from the work-a-day world for transformation and renewal.

We dull our lives by the way we conceive them. We have stopped imagining them with any sort of romance, any fictional flair. -James Hillman in The Soul's Code.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Science and Inner Fitness

Trained scientists like Amherst Professor Dr. Arthur Zajonc, and many others are advocating the benefits of a contemplative practice to our daily lives. Here is an article from the LA Times that provides additional evidence of the reality of "inner fitness.",0,3160695.story

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